ne                 apo                 lit                 an                                 the ichinose tokiya fanlisting

Hello, and welcome to Neapolitan, the animefanlistings network and thefanlistings network approved and listed fanlisting for Tokiya Ichinose from the series, Uta no Prince-sama. A huge thanks to Shinju for adopting the fanlisting to me and for letting me use her layout. The TFL part of the fanlisting was adopted to Shinju from Nekoi in August 2012.

enthusiast ♥ 30th November 2024
15 fans (+ 0 pending)

What is a fanlisting? A fanlisting is essentially a cyber list of fans of a particular subject. Anime and manga related subjects are listed and approved by The Anime Fanlistings Network while everything else falls under The Fanlistings Network.

Blissful Melody - Ittoki Otoya